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I can manage my own and, if needed, my team’s tasks. I can assess how long tasks will take to do and prioritize effectively.




I can quickly prototype mechanics, identify design questions and hypothesis and ways to test them promptly and with few resources such as in a paper prototype or low complexity digital one.




I can research effectively and analyse said research. I can analyse competitors and industry trends.




I understand the business needs of game projects




I can present and understand how to document my designs to elevate my work, go through my reasoning to help the audience of my presentations (be it my team or external stakeholders), to understand my design.




I can search and take part of communities of practice within my professional contexts. I can leverage connections to improve my understanding of the industry and hone my skills. I can behave respectfully toward any person in such communities independent of identities, cultural or religious backgrounds or level of experience.




I can take mouse, keyboard, touch screen or gamepad inputs and use them to control objects in a game engine of my choice.




I can set up physics components (such as colliders and rigid bodies) in my game engine and trigger an event to happen when two game objects collide.




I can use code to spawn new objects while the game is running (eg create bullets).




I can set up an animation in my chosen game engine and control it with code and / or with a state machine.




I can use level design tools to block-out a level in my chosen game engine.




I can use my game engine’s pathfinding system (if it has one) to create enemies and NPCs that chase or follow the player.




I can code basic game logic (eg comparing two numbers) to create win and lose conditions.




I can configure particle systems to create different visual effects (eg fire, snow).




I can use appropriate software to create appealing character sprites or models.




I can use appropriate software to create atmospheric environment sprites or models.




I can create character animations, such as walking and jumping, and bring them into my game engine.




I can use appropriate software to design clear user-interfaces.




I can find/record/edit sound effects and music.